Member-only story
A Conversation
Person one: I’m not taking the vaccine.
Person two: Why not?
One: Because I’m not going to be controlled by the government.
Two: You mean because the government is hoping you’ll take it?
One: Because we don’t know what’s in it. It was rushed. (Pause) There could be all kinds of stuff in there. Things that can suppress us. Things that can control us.
Two: Like what?
They can be injecting anything into us for control. Think about the fluoride already in our drinking water. Fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland. That’s the gland that helps with our greater awareness of things. Or — ever heard of nanotechnology? Hello, it’s the same thing as a controlling microchip, but it’s on the biological, cellular level.
(Pauses) Can I ask you a question?
Do you have a smartphone?
(Skeptical) Yeah…?
Maybe — and just hear me out — maybe there’s your microchip right there. And maybe it’s not the government that’s controlling you, per se, but the private sector. The company that made your phone. The companies that benefit from learning everything about your behavior so they can advertise to you and sell to you. Maybe you’re being controlled every time you watch cable…