Another country heard from: father of three here. Raised my first child alone for several years until I met my wife and and we have two glorious daughters together. I wouldn't trade any of it for all the money in the world. Raising children has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.
At the same time, I have ZERO problems with people not having kids. There's only one thing that bothers me about it, and that's when my childless friends are too busy to return my call or follow through on plans. YOU HAVE NO KIDS! Lol.
JK, I realize other shit can make you busy, too, and mostly I'm just resenting that fact, here in my diaper-filled domestic cage.
Anyway, good article -- risky! brave! -- but come on, overpopulation is no problem? It's as much a problem as rapid depopulation would (and might) be. One might even say that depopulation only *becomes* a problem when there get to be this many fucking people on the planet!
OK. I'll take my reply off the air. XD