T. J. Brearton
Jun 24, 2024


Bingo. Sarah, for me, this is the heart of it. The "victory garden" of the effort.

But we humans are so avoidant of any blame or shame -- plus, the climate crisis is terrifying, nearly unfathomable, when you really look at it. Denial, soft denial, disavowal all make psychological sense.

My focus is turning toward helping people navigate this time by making personal changes for the better that don't overwhelm them. Changes that aren't non-starters but make sense and feel right and can be done right away. We all have to do what we can, and not expect to be perfect, but aim for harm reduction (mitigation) and adaptation.

Let's dump the conversations that turn the crisis into a "either we fix it entirely or we have to just accept collapse" false binary, and get to work.

Good article, rock on.



T. J. Brearton
T. J. Brearton

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