Edda, thanks for reading, and for these insights. There's no doubt a Trump agenda will hasten the climate crisis. But I'm persuaded there is also no agenda to stop or significantly ameliorate it. It really needs to be a mass movement on a par with the Covid lockdown -- the kind of impact that had when the world effectively shut down for a couple of weeks. Everyone you know needs to stop flying, using fossil fuels of any kind, shopping for anything other than basic necessities. Everything we do needs to be renewable and sustainable. There can be no ball games, no trips to Disneyworld. And for that matter, no further development, no concrete and steel to build the developing world or the elite urbanized world. Everything has to stop, right now, today, yesterday.
Short of that, we're headed for rapid energy descent mixed with exponentially worsening natural disasters, plus social and economic chaos as our industrial-consumer society collapses into de-growth.