Great article, and I know you're right about this -- both that the science is pretty clear about nuclear and the the FF companies like wind and solar because it needs them -- but you're talking about transitioning at scale. Which leaves out that I can put solar panels on my house and make money back from the grid. I can even get off-grid with solar; heck, I can build my own wind turbine.
But I can't build a nuclear reactor.
The same goes for electric / hybrid vehicles. Every vehicle-owning human could transition to electric and it would barely budge the climate needle. All of the FF used to create the vehicles and embedded in the vehicles in other ways... forget it. Eliminating personal vehicles is the only way to go, but of course no one is going to go for that (or extremely few people) so it's a non-starter for people, just like nuclear.
It's not necessarily a denial of science, it's business as usual for an atomized society, people concerned with their individual sacrifice, etc.
That's my two cents; thanks for listening!