Hi Ellen, thanks for your thoughts. I should have made it clearer that my premise assumes a Trump victory, and in no way do I think it's preferable. I'm appealing to those people who worry Trump will be the "end of democracy" or foment social collapse. And I'm doing that by suggesting that the real cause of social collapse is much more likely the climate crisis. In the meantime, all the other problems matter, and I'm not willing to "sacrifice" anyone.
But speaking of sacrifice, a recent study found that for every .1 degrees of global temperature rise above pre-industrial levels, 140 million people are exposed to hazardous extreme heat (read: non-survivable wet-bulb temperatures in Bangladesh and comparable areas). A rough calculus of this? Each time you step on a plane, you give someone fatal heat stroke (usually in a poor country).
So, take that flight, commute to work with a gasoline engine, buy presents for Christmas, shop at a grocery store -- these are some of the most "aristocratic" things I can think of. And who are we talking about?
Take care,