Hi Elliott, Thanks for reading and for this insightful comment. I agree with pretty much everything you say. It’s an exciting time, in ways! But I think this forecast omits the elephant in the room: Africa is on track to grow from 1.3 billion to 2.4 billion by 2050. (Niger in particular is driving this with a growth rate of 3.8%.) Seven of the ten fastest growing nations in the world are in Africa. ALL of the developing nations of the world want infrastrcuture — schools, roads, bridges. And who can blame them? I’ve seen figures that analogize global development, in terms of raw resources like concrete and steel, as the equivalent of building one New York City every month for the next thirty years. Another analogy: the global economy is a supertanker headed in one direction. What if the real prediction here is that all our problems remain; it’s just one population replacing the other?