Hi Jeanne,
Thanks so much for reading and for your comment. I'd like to address your thoughts here a couple of ways. First, I think we're running afoul of a bit of a false binary surrounding climate change solutions. That it either has to be geoengineering and renewables OR degrowth.
Personally, ideologically, I'm a minimalist and favor degrowth. But how do you sell degrowth to the world? How do you get 330 million Americans to commit to substantial reductions of material wealth and energy consumption? We're talking about a country for which half the population can't even stomach a modicum of government interference in their lives.
What about the developing world? Sorry -- no schools, bridges, or roads for you, Africa. Please carry on living in your slums, India. Degrowth is, practically speaking, a non-starter.
Luckily (perhaps) it may already be happening somewhat as we encounter deglobalization, and, in many developed countries, depopulation growth. But the gradual atomization of nations once more as the US recedes as the world police, the aging populations of China -- it's not happening fast enough.
In the meantime, we are racing towards tipping points and calamities that will cause unconscionable suffering. And if we can try to do something about that, we should.
Finally, the old chestnut about renewables being no good is that it takes energy to make them, that fossil fuels are embedded. Yes, initially. But as renewable generation grows, it gradually powers itself. You have to start somewhere.
All the best,