I agree, the only panacea is a complete reversal. But not only will that not happen, using it as an excuse to do nothing is fallacy; it's missing the trees for the forest. Nothing can "save us." Ultimately, we all die. With climate change or without. The sun will one day engulf the earth.
Mitigation is about doing everything we can to delay / minimize climate change. The moral metric of life is to reduce suffering, that's it. If we do nothing, as the IPCC concluded years ago, we rip along to possibly 8 degrees by century end. If we do everything, we could minimize to 1.5 degrees. (Likely won't happen either, but even 3 or 4 is better than 8. Why? It literally means years, even decades more time for people to migrate, to adapt, to get out of potentially lethal situations.)
It's a no-brainer. Only the binary nature of internet arguing could convince someone otherwise.