It's just great to see you in this fight against the ambiguity of "collapse acceptance." This clarity of the "end-times doomers" and "energy descent realists" is well articulated, and so very needed. Thank you.
I have but this proviso: like the doomers, I don't think there is any "solution." Rather, I think in terms of mitigation. Warming will eventually peak, literally at one fraction of a degree or another. And those fractions can and do mean the difference between tipping points, various climate calamites, and thousands, millions of deaths.
Forgive me if I mentioned in a previous comment, but Global Systems Institute found that every .1 degree of warming above present levels exposes 140 million people to hazardous heat conditions.*
And I believe AI is right around the corner with razor sharp carbon foot-printing / culpability calculation -- e.g., take that flight to Costa Rica = kill three people by heatstroke.
The dooming / not dooming argument is borderline distracting from the "we should all be doing everything to mitigate against the worst outcomes of climate change" reality.
All best,