Thanks for the article, it's well-written and I applaud your environmentalism. I agree the producers are culpable. But I can't for the life of me understand the A/B binary style of thinking. Both producers AND consumers play their part. The data are pretty clear linking consumption habits with climate change.
A 2015 study found that production and use of household goods and services was responsible for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. That's production AND use. No one is forcing someone to buy a 3500 sq foot home and then heat it with oil. No one is forcing them to own two cars (1/3 of Americans own two vehicles). No one is insisting they fly to DisneyWorld each year with the kids, or eat meat from factory farms 10 times a week, or buy all this uneeded shit for Christmas.
People in privileged Western cultures are selfish and myopic at worse, or just too busy with their lives and other issues at best. But we're still cuplable; the numbers add up.
We can't say we have no choice, that the producers are just so persuasive with their advertising. Sure, many people are suckered into consumption, but why not address that behavior in stride with the indictment of the producers?
No one gets off the hook with climate change, in my book. And what better way to change production habits than by changing consumer behaviors, anyway? Who's wagging who here?