Well, you're wrong. Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers in sealed food-grade buckets can store food for 25 years. It's not a claim, or a belief, it's science.
And, "hoarding"? Humans have stored food since the first granaries were established. The idea of going to the grocery store every time you're hungry is a 21st century invention. Meanwhile, food prices are skyrocketing, we've already experienced shortages and supply chain issues, a pandemic, and climate change is upon us, with terrifying consequences. Why trust that I'll always be able to get to the store for what I need? Why not have a backup?
I have a rural homestead that I own. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I have gardens and livestock. I grow amaranth and wheat. I hunt. I also store low-moisture foods like rice and beans.
I really don't think you have a good answer. Maybe you're a moron, which wouldn't be your fault. Or perhaps you're reading into "prepping" and making some sociopolitical assumptions. It also could be -- you look old -- you don't have too long to worry, or kids that might depend on you.
Best just to let this one go, John. Take care.