Wow. Yeah, Colby, you said it. This is a nice piece that really sums it up, without any of the usual blame game. It's just practical wisdom. Bravo, sir.
It also omits, I think, much of the worst. Because we can't have everyone, at current population levels, doing sustenance living; living off the lands with livestock, crops, and hunting, etc.
Part of that is, we'll need to come together with communities. Probably something like they used to look like in the Little House on the Prairie days.
But the bleaker part are all the people who won't survive the transition. The elderly, the infirm, and those just absolutely dependent on the system (which includes plenty of young healthy people).
Finally, I have the storage bins going and the chickens and I can hunt... But when prepping goes from fringe to mainstream -- and I think it will in the next couple of years -- we're going to run out of a lot of stuff, fast, which will invite panic and chaos.
I hope I'm wrong. Like you, Colby, I hope I'm wrong.